Accepted papers

IoV Simulation Architecture for Software-Defined Vehicular Fog Network OrchestrationCarvalhaes Alvarenga, Leonel Diógenes (University of Minho); Sousa, Pedro Nuno (University of Minho); Costa, Antonio Duarte (Centro Algoritmi – University of Minho)
A brief review of the role of smart technologies in promoting efficient cold chain of perishable agricultural productsTensae, Ermias Melkamu (Bahir Dar Institute of Technology)
WordPress architecture modernization projectsFerreira, Daniela (University of Minho, Guimarães, Portugal); Pereira, Teresa (University of Minho, School of Engineering, Guimarães, Portugal); Mendes, Isabel (University of Aveiro, School of Technology and Management (ESTGA), Portugal); Amaral, AntĂłnio (Polytechnic of Porto – School of Engineering (ISEP))
A methodology for measuring selected performance parameters of smartphone-based Vehicle-to-Pedestrian and Pedestrian-to-Infrastructure communicationPetrov, Tibor (University of Žilina)
Toward Modeling of Flooding Attacks Targeting Massive IoT NetworksRibeiro, José (Evotel Informatica S.A.); Monteiro, Valdemar (Evotel Informatica S.A.); Gonzalez, Jonathan (Evotel Informatica S.A.)
Soil-based Thermoelectric Energy Harvesting System for IoT DevicesDillen, Joaquin (IPCA – 2Ai Applied Artificial Intelligence Laboratory); Moreira, Antonio (IPCA – 2Ai Applied Artificial Intelligence Laboratory)
Survey on IoT device authentication protocols from hash based schemes to Blockchain based schemesELAOUDI, SANA (Ecole Mohammadia d’Ingénieur, University Mohammed V)
Remote IoT in DTN context – Impact on environmental monitoring and agricultureChicapa, Eusebio (University of Minho); Macedo, Joaquim (University of Minho)
Enhancing Urban Freight Delivery: A Machine Learning Approach to Predicting Delivery SpeedGalkin, Andrii (University of Antwerp); Illya Tolmachov, Illya Tolmachov (O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv); Levada, Valeriy (O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv)
The Impact of the Internet of Everything on Green Cloud ComputingMa, Zhaoyang (National University of Defense Technology); Chen, Juan (National University of Defence Technology); Xu, Tao (National University of Defence Technology)
Parallelism Everywhere: The Internet of Everything and Parallel ComputingZhou, Kexing (National University of Defense Technology); Chen, Juan (National University of Defense Technology)
Using the Internet of Everything for Machine-Learning-based Computer System Design and OptimizationFeng, Shaojun (College of Computer Science and Technology, National University of Defense Technology); Zhong, Jiaqing (College of Computer Science and Technology, National University of Defense Technology); Chen, Juan (College of Computer Science and Technology, National University of Defense Technology)